It’s been a varied week so we’ve picked out the best of the tweets to sum up the week and we’re sure you’ll agree, we’ve got something for everyone here.
1. An historic night deserves an historic tweet
2. Some sound issues at the SSE Arena, it turns out, added to the retro theme of a special night for Belfast Giants
3. Lord of the Devils enjoyed his weekend in Scotland
4. Congratulations, Michael Gray of Raiders. That’s the hell of a lot of minutes out there
5. Sending our best wishes to Kieran Brown after his injury at the weekend. Get better soon
6. We must admit, it’s taking a bit of getting used to for us too.
7. When your Christmas album finally drops
8. Okay, it’s not British Ice Hockey related, but look at his little face. This is why we love this sport
9. More like “Oops! He did it again!”
10. How did we not see this either? The Force certainly wasn’t with us
On Sunday night, we asked you to send in your Five Word Reviews to sum up your team’s weekend, so here are the pick of them:
1. It was a hard shift for the boys on Dundee Stars TV on Sunday
2. Simply and to the point from Guildford
3. Over at the Steelers, it was a mixed bag, as reflected here
4. We don’t think Andrew’s too happy here, or he’s accidentally and repeatedly hit the asterisk button
5. And Murrayfield Racers are off to a cup final